
Because I'm Your Dad - A New Book by Ahmet Zappa

By Eric Cohen - Macaroni Dad June 14, 2013
“Because I’m Your Dad” sounds a bit like “because I said so”. But in this case it’s a great new children’s book by Ahmet Zappa (name sound familiar? More on that in a moment).

In this book, “Because I’m Your Dad” is followed up with “You can have spaghetti for dinner.” And other neat things. The dad shares his love, and his wish for a special relationship with his child in a series of rolicing activities. The book is festooned with monsters, robots, mud-forts and more, that create a unique look and feel to the silly, scary and sweet book. Kids will love it and dads won’t cringe when they read it. For more info visit the official site here.

And yes, Ahmet Zappa is the son of Frank Zappa (and “awesome” mother Gail). He grew up with a reading disability and is now an author to help kids experience the joys of reading. Here’s a video with his thoughts on writing the book.
And here are some coupons for your kids to use with their dad. Each one has a cash value of  ...awesome fun!
(Download the image below and print)